Example: Zhang Yimou's "Hero" storyboard script 2. The B-side needs a category email list valuable community The B-end market environment is extremely complex, and there are many overt and covert methods in the industry. When chatting with a friend of a certain product before, he shared a case, saying that during his tenure in the construction B-end enterprise, the enterprise operation department wanted to gather the existing users and see category email list if they could do some marketing, so they formed a lot of them.
The community, there category email list was no problem at first, and the activity was okay, but after a period of time, it was found that the performance did not increase but decline. During the investigation, it was found that some suppliers had managed to infiltrate the community and contact users to conduct private transactions. Although they were discovered in time, they were warned and punished, but once they started, it was difficult to stop them. In the end, they category email list had no choice but to dissolve the society.
Group, the loss can only be borne by the category email list enterprise itself. If the new media operation on the B-side has not yet thought about what value the community can bring, please do not easily build a community on the B-side. The B-end community must be valuable to both enterprises and users. If it is only valuable to enterprises, users will gradually lose interest and eventually become silent; only focusing on making users happy is self-healing. So when building a community, what should B-side new category email list media operations do? Let's look at a positive case: